Covid-19 Infection due to SARS-CoV-2 Code only Confirmed Cases: For +ve test result - U07.1 (Covid-19) For Suspected / Probable / Inconclusive – Code the reported Signs and Symptoms. Sequencing: Covid-19 (U07.1) should be sequenced first followed by associated manifestations. Except OB / Sepsis or Transplant complications would be reported as principal Dx. During Pregnancy 5- should be sequenced first followed by U07.1, any associated manifestation can be assigned as an additional diagnosis. For a newborn that test positive for Covid-19 and was contracted in utero or during the birth process – Assign 8 and U07.1, If there is no indication about the COVID transmissions to the newborn then assign U07.1 Acute respiratory manifestation of Covid-19: If the reason for admission or encounter is a respiratory manifestation of Covid-19, assign the code U07.1 as the principal diagnosis and followed by respiratory manifestations. Pneumonia due to Covid-19: U07.1, J12.89 Acute bronchitis due to Covid-19: U07.1, J20.8 Bronchitis due to Covid-19: U07.1, J40 Lower respiratory infection due to Covid-19: U07.1, J22 Respiratory infection due to Covid-19: U07.1, J98.8 Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to Covid-19: U07.1, J80 Acute respiratory failure due to Covid-19: U07.1 J96.0- Non-respiratory manifestations of Covid-19 Viral enteritis due to Covid-19: 1, viral enteritis Exposure to Covid-19 Asymptomatic individual with actual or suspected exposure to Covid-19, Assign Z20.828 Screening for Covid-19 During the Covid-19 pandemic, a screening code is generally not appropriate. Code it as exposure to Covid-19. Signs and Symptoms without a definitive diagnosis of Covid-19 If there is no definitive diagnosis, assign presenting signs and symptoms. Asymptomatic individuals – Test positive for Covid-19 Use U07.1 Personal History of Covid-19 Assign Z86.19 (Personal H/o of other infectious and parasitic diseases). Follow up after Covid-19 has resolved Assign Z09 (Encounter for follow up examination) and Z86.19 (Personal H/o of other infectious and parasitic diseases Encounter for Antibody testing Assign Z01.84 (Encounter for antibody response examination).